We may be able to accept donations of equipment. Please contact us.
FAQ Category: Donations
We do not have the means to transport donated firewood, rounds or logs. If you have split firewood, we recommend contacting Sharing House (contact info) for adding it to their firewood bins. If you have hardwood rounds that meet our specifications, or have hardwood logs, and can provide transportation for them, you may contact us. We may be able to
Each sponsoring congregation, as part of their outreach ministry, provides some funding for the ministry. This is expected to furnish most of the operating expenses for the ministry. Individual donations will supplement the operating expenses and provide matching funds for capital expense grant requests.
As with any organization, WNC FireWood has operating and capital expenses. Operating Expenses includes such expenses as gas and oil for our equipment, replacement chains for the chain saws, plastic to cover drying stacked firewood, and so on. We currently do not have explicit Capital Expense proposals, however, we know that we will need to purchase a delivery vehicle, additional
As we are in our first year, we do not yet have an annual report for WNC FireWood. You can check with the individual Sponsors for their annual reports. If you would like additional financial information, please contact us.
You may donate funds to WNC FireWood through any of our Sponsors, directing the gift to “WNC FireWood”. Please note that WNC FireWood is not itself a qualified non-profit organization. Rather, we are a ministry of our sponsoring organization, each of which are so qualified. Donation receipts for tax purposes will come from the organization through whom the donation is made.
Yes, however, donations must be made through one of our sponsoring congregations. The donation will then be tax deductible through that congregation who will make the funds available to the ministry.
Yes and No. No, in that WNC FireWood is not a separate legal entity and thus is not a registered non-profit in and of itself. However… Yes, in that WNC FireWood is a ministry of and operates under our sponsoring organizations, each of who are registered non-profits.