All clients are qualified by Sharing House. Thus, to start the process to receive a load of firewood, contact Sharing House; their contact information is listed on our Partners Page.

A delivery to a client is about one cord of firewood. Currently a cord of firewood delivered to a client has an estimated value of about $300. If we deliver 50 cords of firewood that is about $15,000 of value to our clients.

No. WNC FireWood is a ministry of, and thus a part of, our Sponsoring Congregations. WNC FireWood makes available split firewood to clients of Sharing House. Since Sharing House already has in place a process for qualifying clients to receive home heating assistance through firewood delivery, WNC FireWood sees no reason for duplicating that process. Thus the partnership between WNC

This is our first year of ministry so we do not have historical data, however, our goal is to serve at least 50 clients for firewood delivery for the winter of 2023-2024.