Thursday, April 25, 3:30 am:
The schedule for this Thursday, May 16, looks full:
7:00 AM — Cutters will be converting logs into rounds. We have two Cutters scheduled. Could use at least one volunteer to help move rounds to the splitting area.
8:30 AM — Splitters will be converting those rounds into firewood. We have several Splitters scheduled. Again, could use a volunteer to help move rounds.
10:00 AM — Log Donation from a Individual. While we may not need extra people for the log donation, it wouldn’t hurt to have someone free just to make sure all goes smoothly and safely.
All volunteers are welcome, both returning volunteers and first-timers. No prior experience is needed; training is available as needed. For additional information, please contact the Woodlot Coordinator.
We normally work for four hours, although if you can help for only part of that time, your help is greatly appreciated. Please bring gloves and wear closed-toe shoes.
P.S. For those not up on our use of terms, which in some cases can become quite confusing, here are some definitions:
A Cutter is a person who uses a chain saw to cut logs into 14 inch long rounds.
A Splitter is a person who uses a log splitter to split firewood rounds into firewood pieces.