Woodlot Workday

8:30 Thursday, June 20

Thursday, June, 20 starting at 8:30 we will continue Splitting firewood. We have been running short staffed the last couple weeks, and that will be true this week as well, so if you can come to help it would be greatly appreciated. The pile of rounds hasn’t been shrinking as rapidly as desired!

As always, please wear closed-toed shoes and bring work gloves and plenty of water. For more information, including direction to our woodlot, please contact me at woodlot@wncfirewood.org.

Looking Ahead:

8:30 Thursday, June 27

Our last normal splitting day this spring will be Thursday, June 27, starting at 8:30.


8:30 Saturday, June 29

A special workday will be held on Saturday, June 29, starting at 8:30, during which we plan to clean up the woodlot and, with sufficient volunteers, will complete splitting the accumulated rounds. If the weather is favorable we will burn the accumulated debris from this spring’s work. 


No Workdays, July into August


We will then take a break until cooler weather returns in the fall. No planned workdays are anticipated for July into August.


Special Benefit:

Free Odd Pieces Firewood

One of the benefits of being a volunteer for WNC FireWood is that any wood in the debris piles you may take home for your wood stoves. Some of the debris is great firewood, but is oversized or oddly shaped and thus is not suitable for delivery to clients.

On any workday scheduled above you may come, pick through the pile, and load you truck or trunk. Check with the leader at the woodlot for further information. 

Any wood left in the debris piles on burn day will be burned!